Monday, January 25, 2010

recycled writing board

Artsomniac has collected all the discards which came from the cable work in the uni. After the coffee table post and the coir stool post, here comes the final cable work discard material reworked. A writing board. This simple sketch is a montage of artsomniac's life.

What is life without a recharge? That too, student life = chotaa recharge.

There was a hole in the board when artsomniac found it. Must be designed to suit cable packaging requirements. However, a black sunflower found its way there. The black is Indian Ink with brush.

Train of thoughts....Train no 2724, A P Express which carries bundles of artsomniac's dreams...

Books, which she currently refers to for fun and for research... Tempara and Indian Ink with brush.

Artwork about a previous artwork. Must call this mermaid on a bottle, 'metabottle' or something like that :-) there! artsomniac just dispersed her literature student wisdom!!!!

Finally, a beautified, exaggerated eyed, retro haired, half of a self portrait. She does not think that this looks like her, other than for the stub of a nose part!!!

however, artsomniac really enjoyed doing this today....


Elika said...

And I think I've enjoyed reading through this :) Very pretty indeed.
Keep blogging, fellow blogger :)

srapri said...

hey i want to see this!!! sounds totally creative and fabulous :)